327 quick, easy, and painless ways to make your life better

Before I had Miss Lola, I was on Pinterest .every.single.day. Multiple times a day. I love Pinterest. A mindless activity where you can look at gazillions of pictures to get ideas for projects and recipes that you will never attempt. Ah. I love it!

Well ever since Lola has been with us, my Pinterest days are few and far between. When I actually do get a chance to get on, I'm looking up things like "baby food recipes," "activities to do with your baby," or "recipes that take 20 minutes to make and have less than 5 ingredients." This is my life, people. This is what I'm looking up for fun during my free time.

The other day I was on Pinterest, and I found an article - 21 Easy Ways to Show Your Husband You Love Him. I clicked on it, because I figure that I should show Joe that I love him, and I wanted something easy :)

People... the things on this site. Joe would KILL me if I ever tried some of them. Send your husband on a scavenger hunt, do a craft together, join in on one of his hobbies (he would die if I brought a basketball on a date) These are not my husband. But there I was. Rummaging through this site trying to find something that applied to our relationship. Something that would work for him. I wanted a quick, easy, and painless solution. Something that didn't take a lot of time, energy, or effort.

While I'm reading through some of these ridiculous suggestions (not ridiculous for everyone, but definitely for us), I knew exactly what I needed to do to show Joe that I care about him. I know what his love language is and how he feels loved. And sending him on a scavenger hunt all around the great city of Peoria was not one of those ways.

The things that Joe needs for me to do so that he feels appreciated take time. I'm going to have to actually put some effort into it. It's not a quick, easy, and painless task.

However, I've found a lot of articles that try to tell me otherwise.

5 Quick Changes to Make Your Life Better
3 Easy Ways to be More Spiritual
1 Painless, 15-minute-a-day Workout that Will Make You Look Like a Million Bucks

*disclaimer: these are not real titles of articles, but just generalizations*

A girl that I know from back home auditioned to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader this season, and you can check her out on Friday nights on "DCC: Making the Team" on CMT!! Becoming a DCC is not an easy gig. They have to be incredibly fit, almost flawless in their appearance, and have to prove that they have the dance experience and personality to be in such an elite group. Oh - and they have to maintain all of this while receiving some pretty painful comments from their judges. My friend was being interviewed after having some pretty tough criticism by the coaches on last week's episode, and after being asked how it was affecting her she said,

"If it were easy, everybody would do it."

Man, isn't that so true about SO MANY areas of our lives? If change were easy, if getting to where we really wanted to be physically, emotionally, spiritually, relationally was quick, easy and painless, we'd all be doing it, right?

But the truth is change is not quick. Change is not easy. And change is definitely not painless.

A lot of times in our world, we want a quick fix when in reality we know exactly what we need to do to get where we want to be.

For instance, I want my pre-baby body back. Yea - I said it. I want to be able to put on my skinny jeans with pride and not have to wear a tunic over them. I want a quick fix. I want to be able to go on a 3 day diet, with 5 cheat meals, and still come out looking like a rock star. But that is not reality.

The reality is I need to quit driving through McDonalds everyday to get a sweet tea (even though they're only a dollar!!), I need to quit eating crap, and I need to get my butt moving. That's what I need. Is it going to be quick? No. Is it going to be easy? No. Is it going to be painless? Definitely not. Because I love sweet tea.

But if it's something that I really want, if it's a destination where I really want to be, then I will do it no matter the cost.

We know what we need to do to bring about change, but we don't want to face reality.

It's going to be long. It's going to be hard. And it's going to be painful.

But if it were easy, everyone would do it. Go against the crowd and change.

I'll leave you with a sweet picture of baby Lola who is 6 MONTHS OLD today! How did that even happen??

Happy Friday everyone!


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